Prof. Dr. Guilherme Carvalhal Ribas


     Born in January 1952, in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, Professor Guilherme Carvalhal Ribas obtained his medical degree from the Escola Paulista de Medicina (Paulista School of Medicine) of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Federal University of São Paulo), in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in 1977, did his neurosurgical residency in the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (Hospital of Clinics of the University of São Paulo Medical School) under Professor Gilberto Machado de Almeida (1978-1981), and at the Department of Neurosurgery of the University of Virginia, under Professor John A. Jane (1981-1982), and did a short research fellowship at Professor Albert      Rhoton Jr.’ microneurosurgery laboratory at the University of Florida, in 1985.
At the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (University of São Paulo Medical School) he obtained his Doctorship degree in Neurology in 1991, the degree of Professor of Surgery in 2005, and was responsible for applied neuroanatomy graduate and post-graduate courses at the Topographic Anatomy Discipline of the Department of Surgery, from 1994 to 2012. His laboratory research done at this department, at the Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa, and along his neurosurgical practice is focused on microneurosurgical anatomy and on cranial neurosurgical techniques, and overall he published more than 50 articles, and more than 40 book chapters.
     Since 1995 he teaches surgical neuroanatomy at the Department of Neurosurgery of the University of Virginia, where in 2000 he was appointed Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery, Clinical Faculty. Since 2005 he is co-director and lecturer of the yearly “Cambridge Lectures in Neurosurgical Anatomy” at the University of Cambridge, UK, organized by its Department of Neurosurgery. Since 2003 he is one of the lectures of the Annual Microanatomy Courses of the Microsurgical Laboratory of the Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa (Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital)of São Paulo, Brazil, and of the “Sulci, Gyri, Ventricles and Dissecting Fibers” yearly courses of the Universidade do Minho (University of Minho), in Braga, Portugal. Since 2011 he lectures also in the “Annual SNI Brain Anatomy with Surgical Implications Course” of the Swedish Medical Center, in Seattle, and since 2012 at the “Advanced Techniques in Neurosurgical Oncology organized by the Dept. of Neurosurgery of The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery – Queen Square, in London, UK.
     He is a pionner of stereoscopic publications in neurosurgical journals (Journal of Neurosurgery, December 2001, with its cover illustration), and his lectures are mostly done with 3D techniques since 1995.
     In 2010 had the privilege of having his article The Cerebral Sulci and Gyri as the most accessed article of the whole Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group during this year (5573 accesses).
     In August 2012 he received the distinguished invitation to write the chapter about the anatomy of the cerebral hemispheres for the next edition of the classical textbook Gray’s Anatomy, by its editors.
     Among his participations in medical journals, he is a member of the editorial staff of the Neurosurgical Focus, since 2007, and of the Journal of Neurosurgery Video Supplement since September 2011. He is also an active reviewer for Neurosurgery since 2004, and for World Neurosurgery and Neurosurgical Review since 2011, among other participations.
     His practice of neurosurgery is mostly done at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein Hospital) in São Paulo, Brazil, and, although general, is currently more particularly focused in intrinsic and extrinsic brain tumors surgery.

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